Today for Tomorrow is dedicated to starting a constructive conversation about the next generation of Christian leaders
Specifically, I hope this conversation does the following three things: I hope it raises awareness about the systemic problems that threaten the calling and training of the next generation of Christian leaders, highlights potential solutions to these problems, and, perhaps most importantly, brings together a network of people who care about stewarding the next generation of Christian leaders.
Let me give you some context:
Since 2003 full time enrollment at seminaries is down 11%
During that same time span tuition has risen by 78% and the average cost of a Masters of Divinity is now $40,000
The number of seminary graduates with $30,000 or more of debt from seminary alone has risen 300% since 1996
Only 40% of all seminary graduates plan to enter into congregational ministry
In short, fewer and fewer potential leaders are being recruited to seminary, and of those that do go, only 40% want to lead congregations and many end up with paralyzing debt, which is especially scary considering that the average salary for a full time pastor is $28,000.
With leadership development like this, what kind of a church do we think our children will inherit?