One of my favorite things to do in ministry was guide our members in choosing their lay leaders. Our leadership consisted of me as pastor, and a separate group of lay leaders chosen out of the congregation by their peers over months of discernment and seeking the Holy Spirit together. I probably treasured the process even more than the result, since it afforded very busy people a reason to pull out of the daily grind and seek the Spirit of Jesus together over the course of months. But the result wasn’t too shabby either: every year as we rolled part of the Board off and brought a new class of Board Members on to take their places, I was perpetually amazed at the imperfectly perfect mix of broken saints God was able to assemble to lead their brothers and sisters.
We always tried to give ourselves plenty of time to discern and pray together as a leadership nominating team, but the goal was to have a new leadership board in place for the beginning of the year. And for many churches and congregations out there, I know that new leaders are probably being nominated as we speak, and old leaders are being called back to take the helm on behalf of their brothers and sisters once again.
It is to those of you in that boat that I write this today…
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